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[읽을 거리]Dictionary Methods Cheat Sheet
2020. 1. 30. 17:17
Dictionary Methods Cheat Sheet
x = {key1:value1, key2:value2}
- len(dictionary) - Returns the number of items in the dictionary
- for key in dictionary - Iterates over each key in the dictionary
- for key, value in dictionary.items() - Iterates over each key,value pair in the dictionary
- if key in dictionary - Checks whether the key is in the dictionary
- dictionary[key] - Accesses the item with key key of the dictionary
- dictionary[key] = value - Sets the value associated with key
- del dictionary[key] - Removes the item with key key from the dictionary
- dict.get(key, default) - Returns the element corresponding to key, or default if it's not present
- dict.keys() - Returns a sequence containing the keys in the dictionary
- dict.values() - Returns a sequence containing the values in the dictionary
- dict.update(other_dictionary) - Updates the dictionary with the items coming from the other dictionary. Existing entries will be replaced; new entries will be added.
- dict.clear() - Removes all the items of the dictionary
Check out the official documentation for dictionary operations and methods.
Built-in Types — Python 3.8.1 documentation
The following sections describe the standard types that are built into the interpreter. The principal built-in types are numerics, sequences, mappings, classes, instances and exceptions. Some collection classes are mutable. The methods that add, subtract,
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